Thursday, July 22, 2010

Le Eating Clean

I've decided that it's time for a change. I'm always thinking that I should be losing weight. Whilst chowing down on greasy slice of pizza, or while devouring a creamy treat from a well-known ice cream chain. Hell, I've been siphoning off $22 a month automagically to Weight Watchers for an account that I never touch. When I stepped on the scale the other day, however and saw three numbers together that I haven't seen since 2006 before I successfully lost 30 pounds, I knew it was time for a change. In the same week I heard about a 32 year old woman who had a stroke. The obesity problem in North America is not a myth, I'm living proof.

I'm kicking off a two-week clean eating plan. I bought a bazillion dollars worth of groceries and I'm going to follow the plan in this month's issue Eating Clean. (Or Clean Eating. I always forget.) But anyway, I'm going to try. My extra super supportive husband has come up with a list of milestones for me to reach. My goal is a healthy pound a week for a total of a gazillion pounds. (Not really, but I'm content to not broadcast my weight for now.) My hope is that by following the plan for 2 weeks, I'll get a better idea of good food combinations so that I don't always have to follow a plan. And I would also like to kick start the weight loss for a little more motivation. The first hump is always difficult if you're not seeing results.

It just so happens that Clean Eating (or Eating Clean) is also a great tool for feeding a very allergic toddler as well. I have some recipes that have been waiting to be uploaded, but due to a lazy blogger, they are backblogged. (Think that'll catch on?) I'm going to try to post at least one of these recipes tonight.

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