Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 2 - I'm still alive!

So it's the end of day 2 of my 14 day plan. I should have taken a picture of the meal because K was actually able to eat the exact same meal that we did. It was ground beef (which I was surprised is considered "clean". Ground meat scares me a little, so I get the angus beef. I'm sure it doesn't really matter, but I'm hoping it makes a difference) tomatoes, red onions and garlic cooked together and served over whole wheat penne. On the side, spears of broccoli. I cooked broccoli for myself and then ate it!! Y actually seemed to enjoy it too, which was cool because I was afraid he might walk out after seeing ground beef on pasta. I wasn't so sure, but it was good! It also called for a little bit of parmesan, which I didn't have, so I used some feta. I left it off K's of course.

AND, I took my lunch out with us today! I brought along a cooler, and stored my tuna salad (another thing that K was able to eat - and LOVED!) until it was lunch time. We ate in the food court - Y was the only one to order anything. I was very proud of myself.

I guess the whole point of this post was to pat myself on the back. No one ever accused me of being overly modest. ;)

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