I think I'm going to take this blog in a new direction. (Who am I kidding, really? There was no direction before!) I'm going to subject you all to my cooking exploits. Muhahahaha! But first, a rant.
My little guy has allergies. Real honest to goodness, please, for the love of god don't come any closer with that peanut butter sesame bagel with cream cheese because otherwise it's the epipen and [another] ambulance ride to the hospital for us. I hate it. I hate reading labels, I hate planning different meals for the three of us and above all, I hate that niggling little worry in the back of my mind that at any moment he might get his hands on something that could, to be all dramatic, kill him. Especially since the last reaction he had was to a food that we had no idea he had an allergy to. Scary times chez nous.
All this hate makes me ask myself, WHY oh WHY would people willingly put themselves through the hassle of not eating a specific food group just for the heck of it? What the heck am I talking about? Perhaps you haven't heard, but dairy and wheat are the new trans fats. New devil foods for the new decade. Now this is a phenomenon more prevalent in hippy type circles - circles on the fringes of which I tend to hover. (Oh, that was awkward. I didn't want to end my sentence with a preposition, but that's tricky!) Ok, fine. You think dairy and wheat are horrible foods? Never mind that the "data" that backs these claims up is often of dubious quality and ignore the fact that humans have been consuming both of these foods for thousands of years - they are indeed evil. You know what humans haven't been consuming for thousands of years? Big macs. Hot dogs. Kraft dinner.
My biggest problem with these groups (admittedly my own problem - I can see when it's me that has the problem!) is that they claim that it's so easy to avoid dairy and/or wheat. Only stupid, lazy people would be inconvenienced by the health of their families. Excuse my while I revisit that hunk of cheddar I scarfed down earlier this evening. It's difficult. Cooking for someone with allergies is a PAIN IN THE FREAKIN' ass.
Enter jeneke. My new plan is to blog the recipes that I make for the family. We have one kidlet with a bazillion allergies, one hubby who is a few pounds away from being taken away from me by Husband Aid Services, and one wife/mom who needs to lose 50 pounds. Why haven't I hired a live-in chef yet?
Come back soon for my blueberry coffee cake! :)
Can't wait to see what recipes you have to share!
My husband says this post makes me sound like a horrible person. I swear I'm not - I'm nice, I promise! ;)
I am NOT a few pounds away from being taken away by HAS!
Boy, we have a lot in common - my Chloe has suspected dairy, egg, and soy allergies (soy?! How's my 1/2 Asian kid going to survive?) so I'll be reading your blog with interest.
RR - Thanks for the comment! It inspired me to post as I've gotten lazy since going back to work!
We've never confirmed a soy allergy with our little guy, but we're afraid he has one. Soy and sesame - what is it with these half-Asian kids and their allergies to staples of both Asian and "White" diets?? ;)
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